Sharon Young Lee 1948-2021Sharon Young Lee -- July 23, 1948 - September 18, 2021

“My name is Sharon Lee and I was born on July 23, 1948 at 8:53 P.M. EST at Mills Hospital, Towanda PA to Olon Ottis Young and Sylvia Viola (Jennings) Young. I have had a most fruitful life and good life.  I attended first grade in three different states – Pennsylvania, New York and Mississippi.  In Houston, Mississippi my first-grade class received one of the first Salk immunizations against polio.  There were over two dozen bawling kids in that class all lined up to get shots from a huge needle as I recall and because I was “Young” at the end of the line!

In 1966, I graduated from Biglerville, PA high school and entered Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH on a National Merit scholarship.  I studied two semesters abroad – first at La Universidad de los Andes in Bogota Columbia and second at La Universidad Nacional in Managua, Nicaragua.  After graduation, I continued on scholarships at Ohio University to earn a Spanish Literature MA in 1972 and another MA in applied linguistics in 1973.

In 1976, I moved to Albuquerque, NM where I worked at Quinn & Co., a brokerage firm, and met and married George Arthur Lee on May 27, 1977 at 7:00 P.M.  We moved to Roswell, NM where I completed a 30-year career with the Social Security Administration and George earned his BA and MA, taught in Roswell schools until 1990 when he started his own business, OIC Computer Services.  I retired in 2008 to begin all the activities on my bucket list: quilting with Sisters in Stitches, Aerobics, Zumba, fencing, water aerobics, tutoring at the literary Council, studying Hebrew, knitting hats [almost 1,000] for the homeless, playing Mah Jong , walking 10 to 12 miles a week, yoga, and teaching Senior Sunday school at Roswell First Church of the Nazarene.

In 2020, COVID ended the activities and Cancer sprouted.  Thanks to UNMCCC’s Dr. Rutledge and Dr. Lee in Albuquerque I received the best treatment by the kindest means possible. The cancer was an aggressive metastasizing squamous cell carcinoma. I went home on September 18, 2021 for Jesus has promised, “I go to prepare a place for you that where I am, there you may be, also.””

Sharon is survived by a sister, Janice Rachel (Young) Glibbery and husband Eric Glibbery of Las Vegas, NV, her husband George Arthur Lee of Roswell, NM, numerous cousins, two sisters-in-law – Ann (Lee) Dyer of North Berwick, ME and Nilaida Lee of Lubbock, TX, niece Kimberly (Lee)  Swindoll and her husband Christopher Swindoll and their daughter Amelia and nephew Brian Roger Lee, Jr. of Houston, TX and several other nieces and nephews and all of her friends whom she loved.  Her best friends, Feli Bunton and Peggi Roberson were very special to her.

Sharon was a true servant of God.  She did her best to help people understand how God loves all and to help lead people to God and His blessings.  She did not falter with her beliefs and trust in the Lord and prayed every day for others.  She also was a member of a prayer calling group and was always faithful to her callings.

Sharon and George had numerous hobbies which with God’s blessings enjoyed to the fullest.

The following is a direct quote from Sharon in her last week before going home:  “Dear Lord, You are my God, You are my God and I need You and I need to come home.  Dear Lord, this is more than I can bear.  I’ve done everything You have asked and that I can bear and I’ve just had enough. Please take me home, please Lord.  Everybody understands that.  I want to redo my obituary because I don’t want it to be all about me…”

I, her husband George felt that the people of Roswell should know of her accomplishments and what a loss she is to the community so I transcribed the first obituary verbatim.  My special thanks to Stacy, Maureen and Melissa of Kindred Hospice and the very special staff for giving Sharon real quality of life in her last month and their kindness and Megan Brandt of Ponderosa Medical with her care and concern.  In lieu of flowers, please make donations in Sharon’s name to Casa Esperanza in Albuquerque, Kindred Hospice in Roswell or send flowers to a special Nursing Home of your choice.  Any flowers at the gravesite will be donated to local nursing homes.  Sharon did love pretty things and always wanted to share.

She will be interred at Memory Lawn Cemetery with a graveside service. Pastor Nate Bienhoff will officiate.

Funeral is under the kind direction of Anderson Bethany Funeral Home & Crematory

A Graveside Service will be held at Memory Lawn Cemetery on Saturday, September 25, 2021 at 9:00 AM.

Please take a moment and share a fond memory or kind expression with Sharon’s family at

Sharon’s tribute was written in her honor by her family.



[Webmaster’s note]:  Sharon was MY bride for 44 years and I miss her so much. I never thought that I would have to put her on this site as I was supposed to pass on before her.  I loved her from the first moment I saw her at the appartment complex where we both resided in Albuquerque, NM and I loved her the last moment I saw her. -- George Lee